Eye catchy clean splash screen with your website logo and loading screen.Fully responsive which is applicable for all devices.
Customers can customize the splash screen as they need.Available in different colors which will suit according to your logo and your website theme as well.
A good splash screen is the first impression for a customers who will buy from your website through app. We assure a better first impression to customers.
Storola is providing multiple on board screens for your app! Fully customizable and unique.
These screens will help to understand the functinality of your app to customers for the first time.
Clean and modern looking home pages are waiting for you!
Multiple home page is available in different colors. Storola will provide them as per the customer needs for the store that he/she owns
Colors will be matched with the logo and the theme the customer has and it will give a cleaner look by maintaining design consistency
Product detail screens comes up with simple products and varibale products variations with all the eccomerce functionalities that are available to your website.
One can choose products with mutiple attributes like color and size etc, the products details will act accordingly and show the users the product that matches the attribute.Product availability and ratings are also available with modern icons and styles.
Reviews and ratings are available for the products. A customer can write and submit review in this page.
Review filtering options available. Customer can see the reviews by ratings and can have a good understanding of the product that he/she is going to buy.
A good review and rating system is necessary for a customer to understand the quality of the product. Storola is providing it in a very organized and user friendly way
Social sharing options are availble for a products!
Customers can share a product with others by the social sharing screen which is provided with this app.
All types of social platforms are available to share for the users convenience. Users can also copy product link and share to the page/forums/blogs/sites as they need. This will help to boost up the business.
Blog Functionality of your store is added to the app.
Users can share their thoughts and ideas about the store here.People will discuss products and other things related to the website. This will build a healthy relationship with the customers with the store owner.
Modern and Responsive shopping cart with all the functionalities of an ecmmerce website is included in this cart screen.
Customers can see the all the products that they have added to cart - in this cart screen.They can further customize the product quantity and can also remove products from the cart from here.
Customizations available for the screen.
Wishlist screens are availble with multiple colors and customizations
One can add a product to the wishlist and can add to cart or buy it from there. This will help the customers to choose some products of their choices that they may search for or buy later if they want.
Assuring full flexibility for customers to buy products later.
Modern and clean order list screens. User friendly UI and smart navigations.
Customers can see all the orders they placed in one place. The order details can be viewed along with the products they purchased. Customers can see the order status from here. Orders can be cancelled from this screen too.
Orders can be tracked from order tracking screen. This will allow customers to know the current situation about the product delivery as well as order details at one screen!
Multiple category screens are supported in the mobile app.
Fully customizable as per the customer needs it to be.
Available in multiple views like list view,grid view etc.
Search page is essential for any e-commerce app which enables customer to have the full control to search their products according to some search filters.
Storola is providing the search functionalities along with recently viewed products in one screen.
Trending products search filter is included.
Multiple shop page screens are included in the app!
Product filtering is available in all the screens.Categorywise product filtering,product sorting,filter by price range ,ratings and attributes are available.
Different view layouts available.
Multilevel checkout process screen with clean UI designs and styles.
Step by step checkout processing with customers address, followed by shipping method and finally payment method along with product cart.
After placing a order successfully , customers will be redirected to a beautiful success order screen.
This screen will include a success logo or a message , with order number. Customers can go to their orders page from here or can go to shop for further purchase.
Screen customizations are available.
Simple and user friendly login sceens are provided by storola with this app.
Login screens include social logins, sms logins and login through username/email and password.
Stylish user registration screen is provided by storola for a smooth user experience.
User registration screen starts as a entry point of a site or app. We provide clean and user friendly , eye catching registration screen which is compatible with your e-commerce website.
Colors customizations are available.
Smart looking update profile screen with user avatar and modern icons
Customers can change their username,nicename,email,avatar and other credentials from this screen.
Storola provied customers with a very user friendly update profile layout which is easy to understand and use.
Customizable user settings screens with floating social share buttons.
Customers can choose the settings as they need to customize the feel and preferences of the app as they want.This gives a good user experience and a good user experience is a must for a good e-commerce app to boost the business.
One can enable and disable features from here according to their choices.
Storola provides night mode UI which is applicable to all the screens of the app.
Customers can go to the setting and toggle through light theme and dark theme for the app which adds more attraction to the app and gives a good user experience.
Smart looking and theme-matching icons are provided with the dark mode.
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